Thursday, July 20, 2017

Billboard Wars

The Battle for Market Share

Radio stations in highly competitive markets used to battle for attention with billboard wars. Along the Tri-State Tollway around Chicago there used to be several touting various formats as stations vied for another ratings point in a lucrative market.

The billboards increased awareness and were also meant to develop branding identity. Effective campaigns could do that with simple, uncluttered messages. It wasn't as effective at creating ratings share. In markets that were measured quarterly, there would often be a new crop of billboards for the Fall and Spring books in the hopes of building an audience.

On our most recent trip around Chicago, I didn't see any.

What's Changed?

I don't have the answers, but I can surmise.

Social Media - 

Social media is much more cost effective and with the right strategy can engage listeners directly.

Audience Measurement

The advent of PPM give Content Directors almost instant gratification on an hour-by-hour basis.
All things being equal, the data can give the station a pretty good idea if the billboard campaign is moving the needle at all. PPM also reinforces the idea that the most effective thing you can do is create great content and make effective use of forward promotion. Solid radio practices go a long way. Meeting listener expectations on a consistent basis generates loyalty and increases share.