Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Deal for NJN is Raising Questions

Some are regarding the deal by WNET to run NJN is political payback.
That's the gist of the comments reported on by

"But Steve Adubato Jr.’s latest role at the center of the deal allowing WNET to manage New Jersey’s public television has raised cries of political cronyism, with some key Democrats charging the agreement is a gift to Adubato’s father — Stephen Adubato Sr., the feared and well-connected political dealer known to most as "Big Steve."

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It could be payback in other ways. Governor Christie compared the government funding of public broadcasting to the old Soviet Union.

 “In my view, that should have ended with the Soviet Union," he said. "It's ending here in New Jersey a little later than the fall of the wall in Berlin. But we're getting there.”

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