Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NPR unpublishes intern’s execution story | Poynter.

NPR has pulled an intern's account of an execution after they learned parts of the story were plagiarized. Poynter's Steve Myers reports that intern Ahmad Shafi's account of an execution in 1998 borrowed from an account by Jason Burke. The story was removed from NPR's Website after the plagiarism was discovered.

Shafi is the second intern for a major news organization to have stories pulled this summer.
Liane Membis, an intern for the Wall Street Journal, had three of her stories pulled for fabricated material. She is no longer with the Journal.

There's a lot more on this at the link below.
NPR unpublishes intern’s execution story after discovering parts were plagiarized | Poynter.

Are major news organizations expecting too much from interns?

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