Sunday, February 3, 2013

Former JPR Boss Ron Kramer Sues

The mediated settlement between Ron Kramer and Southern Oregon University (SOU) and the Oregon University system is unraveling.

In June 2012 an agreement was announced between Kramer, Jefferson Public Radio (JPR) and the university. SOU contended that Kramer's role as head of JPR and JPR Foundation was a conflict. The issue came to boil after an audit suggested that Kramer's dual role as head of the JPR Foundation and Director of JPR were a conflict of interest. That issue came out of an effort by Kramer and JPR to purchase a theater in Medford, Oregon. The Theater was to serve as the new headquarters for Jefferson Public Radio. The mediated agreement, signed by Kramer, meant Kramer would not sue the SOU and the university agreed to drop legal proceeding against Kramer. Kramer stepped down from both jobs.

Kramer, through his attorney, announced last week that his is suing the SOU because they are engaging in civil rights violations including blacklisting. According to articles in the The Mail Tribune, and The Time Standard, Kramer is seeking $1.375 million in damages. The suit contents that Kramer should have been allowed to work for the foundation.

SOU will not respond until it has time to review the suit.

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