Sunday, March 10, 2013

Parenting College Kids Revised

The most recent installment of The Real Life Survival Guide was about parenting college age children (young adults). 

I’m not there...not yet. 

I know from personal experience that not everybody is ready for college right out of high school. Putting too much pressure on an 18 year old can be harmful. This can the be the first real lesson for a parent to let your child find his or her way. That does not mean cutting them loose.

I know I caused a lot of consternation for my parents when I went off to college. But, that was because I wasn't ready. I went in with the preconceived notion that I was going to fail. So, I did. I was immature. I was an emotional basket case. I careened from unbridled freedom to experimentation and, I set myself up to fail.

Me after going back to school.
When I dropped out, I was prepared for the worst. Hadn't I wasted my parent’s money? Hadn't I disappointed them? The answer was yes. But, my parents showed me much more depth and understanding. They were there to support me. They did not come down like a ton of bricks. They encourage me and waited for me to find my way.  

They were there for me when I took my first steps back to advance my education. 

I took a few courses at community college first. I wanted to see if I could cut it. I applied myself and the grades reflected my efforts. I convinced myself I could handle work at the University. I took the plunge. I was ready. I knew where I wanted to focus my studies.

I graduated with honors.  The key...I was ready. My mother took one last crack. She said, "It's about time." Then she laughed.

You can hear the Real Live Survival Guide on-line or on WNPR, Sunday at 4:30pm.

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