Monday, May 12, 2014

Change Can Be Contentuious

Wisconsin Public Radio

A change to the schedule at Wisconsin Public Broadcasting 

Coverage in the Isthmus reminded of some of press and comments we always got after making changes at the stations I worked for. A thick skin is required, and it is best not to take the comments that result from press coverage personally despite the fact that listeners take the changes to their station very personally.  Most notable were comments likening us to the Philistines. One caller wanted to know who made the birdbrained decision to change the programming. Another asked  who the weisenheimer was, and another combined the two calling me a  birdbrained weizenheimer. My personal favorite described the changes as having torn the fabric of public broadcasting (very descriptive).

The Isthmus focused their article on the abruptness of the change and the fiscal reasons. WPR published FAQ's about the change on their website. Fiscal concerns played a big part in the decision, but aren't the only reasons for the change.  I noticed no comments to the article in the Isthmus. That doesn't mean nobody is upset. In fact, if there are no complaints, problems with audience loyalty run much deeper than the hour or two that are affected. 

Hang in there.

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