Friday, May 29, 2015

Radio Warned About Hackers

As we adapt the leading edge of digital technology, have we become more susceptible to cyber attack? Some local stations have been taken off the air. The air signal isn't the only thing hackers can play havoc with.

Inside radio posted two articles about the dangers of being hacked.

Alarm sounded for stations to step-up cyberattack preparations.

Some operators are already solidifying cyber defenses.

Rear Admiral (ret.) David Simpson, chief of the FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau says it no a matter of if, but when. For now the FCC wants to see stations to voluntarily have a back-up plan in place. He says the FCC is considering mandates. SONY and a French TV network were taken down by hackers earlier this year. ISIS attacked the French network.

So many stations are now going to the Cloud. The fear is the security of those cloud based systems. Local stations have valuable information hackers want like credit card numbers and other personal information. There are also concerns about EAS System. It was hacked setting off false alarms.

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