Tuesday, January 5, 2016

So Embarrassing

So here's the headline...

'Downtown Abbey' Begins Its Sixth And Final Season

Of course NPR meant "Downton Abbey." I have to admit, the first time I saw the title I thought it should be Downtown Abbey. That's before the program really took off. I had not watched it. I thought it would be something about a gritty inner-city church. That assumption was really off.

I don't care to reveal how many times I made a silly error in my time while writing and editing content for public radio. Listeners were always quick to respond. Some of them were critical. Others over the top. One even said that I had torn the fabric of public broadcasting with my careless error. Listener expectations are high. 

Mistakes like this are easy to fix...before they're made. That's why I used to be so embarrassed when something like this happened.  I feel empathy and a little embarrassed for whoever did this. Laugh at yourself. Resolve to step back a moment before hitting enter. 

This too shall pass.

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