Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Millennials and Giving - It's Complicated

More Give Less

Millennials give less because they have less. 

Unemployment among millennials is high. Their unemployment rate is 7.2%. Among the youngest in this group, the rate is 14%!

Student loan debt is oppressive. The average is $37,000. 9.6% of those debts are past due.

Overall giving is down 12%.

On-line giving is up with Millennials leading the way.

Millennials are giving more than money. 
"They were far more likely to donate clothes, food and other supplies (41%) and volunteer their time (27%). While 22% of American adults gave more in 2017 than they did last year -- almost twice as many as the 12% who are giving less -- Millennials are showing how to make the most impact with the least cash."
Millennials are more likely to work for companies that give. Resurrecting the ideas of matching gifts might be a good idea.

Give.org finds that Millennials are the most generous generation in history. 

To find out more, go to thestreet.com.

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