Thursday, January 17, 2019

Work Without Pay?

Work rules are clear for the private sector. Your employer cannot ask, require, or even allow you to work off the clock. If you're a non-exempt employee, you must be paid for all time worked. You can't waive this right. Moreover, your employer cannot give you comp time in lieu of overtime pay. #income #rights #pay

What's the deal for federal employees? Federal employees are suing calling it involuntary servitude. If the private sector forced employees to work without pay, there would be serious legal ramifications.  
The lawsuits claim the federal government is violating the Fair Labor Standards Act, as well as the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery. Federal workers also assert that the Trump administration is violating the Fifth Amendment because it’s depriving them of their wages without due process. (

“The Fair Labor Standards Act requires workers to be paid at least the minimum wage for hours they worked in a timely fashion,” said Minna Kotkin, director of the Employment Law Clinic at Brooklyn Law School. “There is a legitimate claim that this... is violating the Fair Labor Standards Act.” (

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