Friday, April 5, 2019

The Right's Stranglehold on Religion

There's a Broader Discussion

Most people in this country don't realize there's a long-standing tradition of progressivism in Christian religion, and it is finally beginning to reemerge. That progressive movement is about love and acceptance and valuing people for who they are. There is not second class Christian. Conservative Christians claim to love the marginalized and then tell them to sit still in the pew and not speak up or participate. Without Progressive Christians there would not have been an end to slavery in this country, the civil rights movement, child labor laws and a myriad of other changes that that advance humanity.

Christian conservatives and their Republican allies would rather the narrative of social justice be squashed.

'I hope that teachings about inclusion and love win out over what I personally consider to be a handful of scriptures that reflect the moral expectations of the era in which they were recorded.' —@PeteButtigieg

Read Jim Wallis' article in Sojourners. It is time to take our faith back.

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