Thursday, December 5, 2019

Eating Chocolate and Generosity

Giving makes you feel good

In fact, when researchers looked at the MRIs of people who gave to various charities, they found that generosity stimulates the reward center in the brain and releases endorphins–live

Neuroscience has demonstrated that giving is a powerful pathway for creating more personal joy and improving overall health. While the brain is remarkably complex, the neurochemical drivers of happiness are quite easy to identify. Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin make up the Happiness Trifecta. - Psychology Today

 It’s the same feeling you get when you eat chocolate.

Chocolate contains a variety of chemicals some of which make us feel good by boosting our endorphins (those feel good hormones). Chocolate may also boost serotonin levels that help us to feel relaxed. Some forms contain caffeine, which give a boost of energy along with the calming effect.

Now imagine what it would be like to live generously and eat chocolate.

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