Friday, March 6, 2020

Tone Down The Virus Rhetoric

Al Tompkins covered the ZIKA in 2016. He shares the lessons he learned then in a article published for Poynter. Here's how newsrooms can tone down their Coronavirus coverage while still reporting responsibly.

Limit adjectives

Everywhere I turn I see news headlines blaring the words “deadly virus” even though for most people the virus is not deadly.

Choose images carefully

I recommend that every time you show somebody wearing a facemask, you remind the viewers/readers that experts say the masks do not help prevent the spread of the virus.
Frame stories with context
People want to know what they can do.

When fright affects big plans

It is worth pointing out that the World Health Organization has not issued any broad warnings that would lead to cancellations, not yet, anyway.

Bust myths

“During the SARS epidemic, hand-washing reduced the risk of transmission by 30 to 50%. But after washing your hands, you must still be mindful about face touching.”

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