Sunday, October 25, 2020

Are we better off?

 Refugees in squalid surroundings at our border

From the NY Times:

Hundreds of people stranded by President Trump’s asylum limits are languishing in squalid conditions in a tent camp on the border.

Members of this displaced community requested refuge in the U.S. but were sent back into Mexico and told to wait. Many have been living in fraying tents for more than a year, surrounded by rotten debris, human waste and uneaten food swarming with flies. It is one of several refugee camps that have sprung up on the doorstep of the U.S. for the first time in the country’s history.

When the issue of immigration came up at the final presidential debate last week, Mr. Trump was correct in saying that the Obama administration expanded the number of border facilities with chain-linked enclosures. But separating children from parents was a policy all Mr. Trump’s own.

How, exactly, does this make us great again? Pardon me, I'm not buying it!

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