Saturday, November 14, 2020

What's Next?

What is Life

I've been within a whisker of death a several times. I've met two sharks up close and personal. One knocked me sideways. The other glided past me as I put my foot up the ladder on the side of a schooner. I've been hit eight times in auto collisions. I was in an airplane that started to roll sideways 250 feet above the ground. Another plane was almost hit by another. We were within feet. Every time I've walked away. It makes me wonder, because I know I am only here for a short time. This is all temporary. 

After all that?


An economic collapse brought on by power and greed

Jobless and underemployed

A pandemic

What's the point? Is there a purpose to all of this?

One thing for sure, I am not in control. Something else is and it is all quite humbling. Perhaps I'm here to do more. Maybe something more is expected. I'm open to that. I hope my eyes are open. I don't want to miss it.

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