Thursday, July 15, 2021

God Mourns George Floyd's Death

 The Palatable Lie

A piece from SOJO by Britinni Palmer rails against the idea that George Floyd's death somehow proves that our justice system works. It's short. Please read it when you get the chance.

"Those of us who consistently deal with inequities are expected to suffer or die for the sake of making the world a more just place. This causes God’s heart to ache and humanity’s blood to scream out from every corner of the earth. When pain and suffering become the primary means to achieving human rights, many begin to believe Black people suffering and dying for these rights is either God-ordained or a natural part of history. This is a lie. It is what James Baldwin might call a “palatable” lie, as it is “more palatable than the truth” — the truth that would have us fight back against injustice."

You see what she's saying, right? We are to stand up for the oppressed. We are to fight back against injustice. We are to protest. We are to work togetgher to make change. We are not supposed to sigh and say, "Well at least, in the end, justice is served." George Floyd's murder over a bad 20 dollar bill is not justice.