Friday, September 10, 2021

9/11 Remembered


Everything Changed

I was in Baltimore the day of the attack. It was feared Baltimore was going to be a target. There were military helicopter warships, patrolling the skies above the harbor.

We were there for a public radio conference. I went to my room to call the station and told them to stay with coverage until further notice and cancel all underwriting credits.

While I was talking with my news director I saw people on TV jump and the collapsing building. I heard his reaction. I was dumbstruck. I spent another hour on the phone calling family to tell them I was okay and ask how they were doing.

I remember wanting to be back with my family. I was safe, but unsure how we would get back. All flights were canceled. There were no cars to rent. No bus seats available. Fortunately, my boss and I were on a packed Amtrak train the next day. 

As we passed the destruction in New York, the train went silent. The full impact of the destruction and death stunned all of us. 

Earlier on that day we were discussing paradigm shifts. The Great Depression and World Wars. They came with every generation. Our conversation was interrupted by the announcement of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center. Nothing has been the same since. The events of that day define paradigm shift.

2001 - Terrorist attacks kills a total of 2,751 victims confirmed to have died in the initial attacks.

2008 - Economic collapse - The Great Recession

2016 - Trump Election - Democracy under attack

2019 - Worldwide Pandemic - Failure of leadership

2020 Electoral process attacked through lies and disinformation (The Big Lie)

Jan 6 2021 - Domestic terrorists attack the capitol in order to overthrow the election.

An event that should have brought us together...instead, we're a deeply divided country.

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