Monday, January 3, 2022

Public Broadcasting Truths

 The Top Ten Truths 

Hey Pubsters. Remember this! 

The Top Ten Truths were discoveries made by ARA during Audience 98.

Perhaps you don't remember Audience 98, or are not aware of the efforts being made by ARA on behalf of CPB and PRPD to find out more about the Public Radio Audience. It came a decade after the discoveries of Audience 88. 

Audience 98 was a major study that aimed to extend programmers' understanding of listener behavior developed in the widely influential Audience 88.

Audience 98 is based in part on a rare re-contact survey of 8,000 Arbitron diary-keepers who indicated in fall 1996 that they listened to public radio. The survey was designed to elicit their pledging behaviors, personal beliefs, and attitudes toward public radio.

Besides nostalgia, what other feelings does the Top Ten Truths elicit from you? To be sure, this should not be confused with The Ten Commandments, but how much has changed from the listener's perspective. These ten points helped us build a loyal and engaged audience that still values our service today.

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