Thursday, November 24, 2022

Things That Work / Thank You


Two Simple Words

Saying thank you is simple really. In my youth It was part of the magic words, please, thank you, and I added you're welcome. For me it was an acknowledgement I received the message.
Being thankful is shown to make us more positive, more resilient and improve our relationships too. People who regularly take time to notice and note the things they're thankful for, experience more positive emotions, sleep better, and express more compassion and kindness toward others.  20, 2021 points out, saying thank you goes beyond beyond being polite. Recent research in social psychology suggests that saying "thank you" goes beyond good manners. It also serves to build and maintain social relationships. Prakash Joshi Pax points out in an article published in Medium in 2020 it's an attitude of gratitude. 

#1: It is the simplest form of expressing gratitude.

Saying thank you is the simplest form of expressing gratitude and the attitude of gratitude is what keeps us happy. Being grateful for what you have in life, even the smallest things bring more abundance and happiness in your life.

#2: People feel appreciated and loved.

Thanking others never makes you inferior. In fact, it shows a great sign of respect for another person, for his time and presence in your life. When you say ‘thank you’, people develop a feeling that they have done something to help you. This gives them inner happiness.

#3: Making others feel good brings good back to you in unpredictable ways.

When you make someone feel important and appreciated, you brighten up their days in the smallest of ways. And they are more likely to pass on that feeling to someone else. When you say than you, it also makes people more willing to do something for you again in the future.

#4: Saying thank you makes you happier and healthier.

Studies have confirmed that the simple act of saying ‘thank you’ can lead you to a happier life. When you express your thankfulness to others, it not only makes others feel great but also makes you feel great. It provides peace of mind and inner happiness.

#5: You bring abundance in your life.

When you say ‘thank you’, you attract that person or even other things. Think, for example, do your friends come around when you say thank you for their presence and every little effort or when you condemn and criticize them.

For the Ungrateful

For those of us who are ungrateful, the consequences could take on biblical proportions.
Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. When wickedness comes, contempt comes also, and with dishonor comes disgrace. The words of a man's mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the righteous of justice. Proverbs 18: 1-24

Then, there's always karma. 

Thanks for reading this

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