Friday, January 6, 2023

Things That Work / Being Happy


Tapio Haaja

The Happiest Place on Earth

Finland is the happiest country on earth for the fifth year in a row. To stay happy there are three things they do (or don't do)

Frank Martela, a phycologist says there three things Finns never do. It must be working because they've been the happiest country in the world for the past three years.

1. They don't compare themselves with their neighbors. There's a community humbleness. They don't use individual wealth to compare themselves with each other. 

Martela offers this happiness tip:
Focus more on what makes you happy, and less on looking successful. Don't compare yourself with others.

2. Don't overlook the benefits of nature. 87% of Finns feel that nature is important to them because it provides them with peace of mind, energy and relaxation.

Martela's tip? 
Spending time in nature increases vitality, well-being and gives a sense of personal growth.

3. They don't break the community circle of trust. Finnish people tend to trust each other. If you leave your laptop or phone at the coffee shop, you are likely to get it back. 

The Happiness Tip: 
Think about how you can show up for your community. It can be the small things like opening a door for someone or giving up a seat on a train.

You can read the full article here at cnbc make it.

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