Monday, September 18, 2023

Heart of Justice


Standing with the facts

The heart of justice is truth telling, seeing ourselves and the world the way it is rather than the way we want it to be. 

- bell hooks, All About Love

What makes a good debate?

Debaters should not only state their claims, but also explain why they are true, relevant, and preferable. They should use logic, evidence, examples, and counter-arguments to support their positions, and address the potential objections and weaknesses of their own and their opponents' arguments. Aug 17, 2023 -Linked In 

There's an article on VOX by Keren Landman about Joe Rogan wanting a debate about vaccines. His debate would be between John F Kennedy, Jr and Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at Baylor College of Medicine. Kennedy was on Rogan's podcast. According to an article in Vice, the three-hour episode was “an orgy of unchecked vaccine misinformation, some conspiracy-mongering about 5G technology and wifi, and, of course, Rogan once again praising ivermectin, an ineffective faux COVID treatment." Hotez spoke up and criticized the conversation.
Rogan proposed a debate. Hotez refused. A debate with someone who is invested in promoting conspiracy theories is a bad idea.

Here’s why debates are actually a bad forum for discussing contentious scientific issues — and what works better.

The next time JFK, Jr. needs medical help, maybe he can get the care he needs from the guy down at the end of the bar. He seems to know everything.

You own me?

You tell me you own me because of something you loosely call the truth, my silence is not me caving in. It's because your half-baked pronouncements are evidence of how delusional you've become. They don't deserve a response. Why would I debate someone whose arguments are based on conjecture and unproven suppositions. No, I am not an expert, but neither are you. I'm willing to check my sources because I want to know more. Are you?

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