Saturday, November 18, 2023

Popping p's


Like Finger Nails on the Chalkboard

Popping P's seems to be in the stylebook for the sports talk format. It's annoying. Right up there with AM radio static. It's easily fixed. Just change the mic position.

I found this on 

  1. Pop Filter.
  2. Microphone Techniques.
  3. Placement of Vocalist.
  4. Plug-ins.
  5. High-Pass Filter.
  6. Equalization Low Roll-off.
  7. Reduce the Volume of Plosive.
I've come to expect this on sports talk where co hosts regularly shout over each other. I have no patience for this. Thumper and I often go down the dial to public radio where professionalism matters. But, Lately, I've heard a lot of popping p's one of my local public radio stations. The result is the same. I tune out. With so much competition for my ears, it is wise to pay attention to the details. Heck, it is such an easy fix, and you'll be getting so much more from your talent.

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