Friday, June 11, 2010

Bill Buzenberg on Center for Public Integrity’s aim to “catalyze impact,” fundraise in a competitive field

Bill Buzenberg on Center for Public Integrity’s aim to “catalyze impact,” fundraise in a competitive field

The funding issue comes up all the time when discussing non-profit journalism. In an interview with Laura McGann of the Nieman Journalism Lab, Bill Buzenburg talks about the competition for funds and three of the ways the Center for Public Integrity is raising funds.

"We’re raising money in three ways. We do have foundation support. We’re talking with something like 86 foundations, many of whom do support us. We also are raising money from individuals — small donations with membership, much like public radio. Larger donations from people with resources. We do have a strong base of individual donors. And the third way is earned revenue, and we’re working on various scenarios of how we can earn that."

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