Sunday, August 15, 2010

Classical Music Ebbing Away?

WEKU format change means a switch in classical music offerings - Business -
Another Public Radio station has refocused their programming to include more public radio news and information programming. WEKU has added news and information programming mid days from public radio program sources. The reasons include serving more listeners and increased listener income.
WEKU is offering classical music on-line. I'm not sure how many on-line listeners it is going to take to make the service sustainable. So far about a half-dozen classical music listeners have asked WEKU for assistance in streaming classical music. The station will continue to offer classical music over night. Other types of music will be offered on the weekend.
Station manager Roger Duvall says they are seriously looking into acquiring another signal to devote to classical music programming. Duvall says their effort to acquire another stick for classical music programming has quelled some of the criticism.

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