Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Support for Public Radio Growing

It has been a Fall filled with uncertainty for Public Radio. The sluggish economy along with the turmoil surrounding the firing of Juan Williams has resulted in unease within Public Radio. Despite these issues, the news is good from several stations. Public support continues to rise. Here are some recent stories and releases about membership campaigns around the country.

Capital Public Radio, Sacramento's NPR affiliate, wrapped up the most successful fund drive in the station's history last week, according to president and general manager Rick Eytcheson.
The station did not release final pledge figures, but Eytcheson said, "It'll be our first time over $500,000." (Modesto Bee)
Read more: http://www.modbee.com/2010/10/25/1397723/capital-public-radio-has-successful.html#ixzz13T9eeYdm

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Hawaii Public Radio met its $808,000 fall fundraising goal and ended its 10-day pledge drive Friday afternoon to return to regular programming.  Read More:  http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=13375120

WHQR 91.3, the local public radio station, raised $155,000 during its fall pledge drive, exceeding the goal of $125,000. In addition, it took only seven days to get there instead of the usual 11 that has been the standard for spring and fall pledge drives in recent years. (Star News Online)

In enthusiastic WAMC fashion, the on-air fund drive began at 6 a.m. on Monday, October 4, 2010 and ended in six days and a morning with 6,912 pledges. Dedicated WAMC members and listeners locally and nationally called and pledged on-line all day and into the night and manned phones to help make this happen. Says Alan himself, "Because of the wonderful and generous WAMC audience, we made it with time to spare. "We are immensely grateful to everyone who helped.  by WAMC/Northeast Public Radio

PULLMAN - Northwest Public Radio’s sixth one-day campaign on Oct. 21, “Super Thursday,” attracted more than 2,600 online and telephone pledges and raised more than $295,000. 
NWPR is a community service of The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, and listener support is its single largest source of revenue.
A healthy membership base is vital for NWPR to continue as an essential news and information source, said dean Lawrence Pintak.
“Our citizenry is hungry for the in-depth, unbiased and quality news reports heard every day on Northwest Public Radio,” he said. “This service is truly essential and will only become more so as we continue to build our regional news program.”  WSU Today

WDUQ-FM (90.5) raised more than $354,000 in its annual fall fundraising drive that ended Saturday at noon.
Of the total raised, more than $75,000 came in the final 24 hours of the drive, and more than $20,000 was donated during jazz programming on Friday. Mark Bertolet, director of marketing and communications for the jazz and NPR station, said the fundraising effort indicated there was support in this area for the station's programming. By Michael A. Fuoco, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10297/1097656-455.stm#ixzz13TFwgWC8

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