Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Public Broadcasting and Smart phones

There's a thoughtful blog from Fred Jacobs of Jacobs Media about the habitual use of smartphones. He's suggesting we (public radio/media) run...don't walk...to get our apps and brand out there. Use of these devices is rising dramatically.

It feeds on the need to be connected. I'm old enough to remember mail delivery time at college. (Remember Mail?) There were always about 100 of us waiting to see if there were letters from friends or family. Staying in touch was important.

I think there's an issue with being connected all the time. The constant ping of email is distracting to me. My son cannot understand me, because there are long periods where my smartphone is not on. But, that's not the point. Public Radio/Media must be on the platforms being adopted by our listeners (users) is we are to stay relevant.

Please read Fred's blog.  http://jacobsmediablog.com/2011/08/08/always-with-you-always-on/

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