Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Controversy for NJTV

New Jersey Public Television is back in the spotlight again. But, not in a good way. The controversy that was sparked when Governor Christie and Republicans in the Assembly pushed for the break-up of the network. The issue is still smoldering. 

Opponents of the network said the state could no longer afford to underwrite public broadcasting. the Governor compared to government funding of public broadcasting to the old Soviet Union.
The network was split between WHYY in Philadelphia and WNET in New York.

According to an article in, not everyone in the assembly is happy with the change. 
"The lawmakers noted the station’s many failures in its brief history, including failing to provide coverage of Hurricane Irene, airing the cartoon “Angelina Ballerina” while nearly every regional and national media outlet covered the announcement of the governor’s presidential plans and now airing the cartoon “Thomas the Train” for the majority of the legislature’s reorganization and tribute to the passing of one of its elder statesmen."
You can

The network was dependent on state funding. Donations form viewers and underwriters were not able to sustain the cost of the old network (NJN).

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