Sunday, April 8, 2012

NBC Fires Producer

The producer responsible for an edit of an audio clip of a 911 emergency response call during coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting has been fired. The edit inflamed controversy surrounding the shooting of an unarmed teenager in Florida by George Zimmerman. The edit made it seem that the shooting was a race based crime. (Isn't it bad enough that an unarmed teen was shot and killed?)

There's been debate in one of the media groups I belong to on LinkedIn about whether it is okay to take quotes out of context to make a point.  The argument goes that it is impossible for a reporter to be completely unbiased.  The results of the poorly chosen edit was reckless. To me it seems the content was manipulated. To what end? To enhance the story? The edit was misleading. NBC news agrees. The producer was fired.

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