Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Celebrities as News Source

Study: Celebrities played role in spreading news of bin Laden death | Poynter.
Steve Myers reports for Poynter that Celebrities played a major role in spreading the news about Osama bin Laden's death on Twitter. Myers sites research from the Georgia Institute of Technology. They found that initially traditional news sources led the way. As time went on...a select group of celebrities became the source of tweets about bin Laden's death.

News organizations fared well early.

What does this have to say about where people are getting their news? The top two celebrities being followed on Twitter are Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. I can imagine the water cooler conversation (or social media buzz)  "Hey did you hear? Lady Gaga just tweeted that bin Laden is dead!"

1 comment:

  1. All this while we rack up a trillion dollars plus in debt annually, have high unemployment and a sputtering economy. We all have our priorities.

    You just reminded me to Tivo Jon Stewart's show tonight to get his take on Romney v. Obama!
