Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Glass: ‘Car Talk’ reruns will stifle innovation at NPR | Poynter.

Glass: ‘Car Talk’ reruns will stifle innovation at NPR | Poynter.

There's a debate going on between Ira Glass and Eric Nuzum, NPR's VP of programming.
For program directors who are paying attention, this issue will resolve itself. I'm assuming that, in time, sagging ratings will mean that programmers will move CarTalk to other, less valuable time slots.

When Garrison Keillor "retired" about 20 years ago, the replacement show and repeats (I think there were repeats) did not fare as well. Neither did the new show Garrison created. Ratings sagged. When the audience numbers diminish, so do the fundraising numbers. Something needed to be done. Something was done. Garrison brought back A Prairie Home Companion.

That is not likely to happen this time.
Programmers and content creators have some time to find (or create) a replacement. Just don't wait forever.

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