Thursday, June 7, 2012

Political Ads Mean Business

Political advertising: influencing business, not just politics

According to an article published by Medill Reports, billions of dollars will be spent on political advertising. The report states that television will benefit the most. Projections are that over $5.6 billion will be spent to place ads on TV. Over $900 million will be spent on cable. The PAC,s, superPAC's and national political party committees prefer TV over digital because it is too easy to skip over ads on digital media.   It's is  interesting to note that the PACs and superPacs prefer push advertising over the pull advertising of the digital media. They prefer to be in our faces...much like their our way or the highway politics. The Pew Reasearch Center says in their recent report the parties are becoming smaller and more partisan with Republican becoming smaller faster than the Democrats.

I heard a report last night that said the amount of money spent in Wisconsin for the recall was greater than the amount spent for the presidential election in 2000.

Medill Reports is written and produced by graduate journalism students at Northwestern University’s Medill school.

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