Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Broader Implications Updated

On November 19th the Pew Research Center reported that more people are following news about the Fiscal Cliff over the Petraeus scandal.

More Following 'Fiscal Cliff' Debate Than Petraeus Investigation

The Pew Research Center is reporting that there is broad concern about the fiscal cliff. They also have found that confidence is low that a deal will be reached.

Broad Concern about 'Fiscal Cliff' Consequences

Public Is Skeptical Deal Will Be Reached

When it comes to choices...what should we cover? As a a programmer I was concerned with serving my audience and what they expected from us? I always came down on the side of broader implications. My understanding of the research of the public radio audience is that they expect us to cover the issues that affect all of us in the long run. Coverage of  the fiscal cliff may be more complicated and less sexy than the lead story about the Petraeus/CIA scandal...but in the end the Fiscal Cliff will affect more us more deeply than the tawdry scandal involving the General and his biographer.

I'm not trying to preach...I'm just reminding all of us to keep our eye on the ball. It does matter what we cover and how we cover matter the story and no matter platform. The true public service is embedded in the fiscal story and the ability of our political leaders to breach the divide.

On November 19th the Pew Research Center reported that more people are following news about the Fiscal Cliff over the Petraeus scandal.

More Following 'Fiscal Cliff' Debate Than Petraeus Investigation

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