Sunday, June 16, 2013

Amateur Athletics Hurt By Public Media Cuts

When the Greek government cut public broadcasting in Greece they did a lot more than save 300 million euros.

They cuts eliminated over 2000 jobs. They eliminated opportunities for independent producers. A source of income for those producers. Thousand people out of work means less spending and a slower economy. And then there are the unintended consequences. They made content go dark for millions of viewers and listeners that relied on the services. And, they've put content partners in danger too.

Athletics-Greek is saying the elimination of public broadcasting by the Greek government has put their organization in danger. Reuters is reporting ERT was Greek athletics' main outlet for broadcasting and with its current status in limbo following the government's decision to close the organisation due to austerity measures, Kostas Panagopoulos fears for the future exposure of the sport in the birthplace of the Olympics.

Is this the true intent of trickle down economics?

Here's a link to the Reuters article:

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