Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Horse Show on the Radio

Free Photo - Horse riderPeconic Public Radio will offer live coverage of the Hampton Classic on the radio. Why is this noteworthy? The Hampton Classic is a horse show.  Why not? I used to think dog shows and golf were not quite right for radio, and yet, there they are. And, I once did five hours of live broadcasting from the Lakefront Festival For The Arts in Milwaukee.
According to Southampton Patch, WPPB’s Hampton Classic Series will offer a “ring-side seat” to the events, bringing participants and celebrities in front of the microphone to offer their comments.  WPPB personality Bonnie Grice, the host of "The Eclectic CafĂ©," will be interviewing sponsors, riders, various personalities to get what Fickett called, “the big picture on the Classic” 

WPPB will offer ten hours of live broadcasting from the event. Pass the pate and the bubbles in that wine are too fat to be Champagne.

Peconic Public Radio Covers Hampton Classic

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