Monday, September 2, 2013

Fundraising - Do we talk about ourselves or the donor?

Focusing on Donors, Not the Charity, in Your Appeals

Check out this podcast from the Chronicle of Philanthropy. So much of what I hear and read...especially on public radio and all about "we need." "Another big pitch is, "We're great! Support us!" There's also an addiction to the premium. There's a fear nobody will give unless we're immersed in the give and get. I'm hearing this on both radio and TV.

We can go beyond fundraising that annoys and drives listener's and viewers away? Public radio loses half its audience as soon as it opens its mikes during a fund drive. Public Television can't raise money around its core programs. Is it the programming creating the problem for Public TV? 
When something compelling hits the air like Downton Abbey, the funds flow in. 

Answer this, "What are the positive outcomes from the listener's or viewer's point of view?" 

A thank you gift or a pair of tickets is not a positive outcome. It is an inducement.

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