Saturday, September 20, 2014

WBUR's Wearable App

WBUR on Google Glass

In order for Public Radio to remain relevant, it needs to be on the platforms its listeners are using.

WBUR is now on Google Glass. They have an app for that. My Google Glass relevant? Is a large and growing segment of the public radio audience gravitating to Google Glass? Google says yes. Sales projections are in the billions.

Last week Sony announced a competitor. Before you start thinking there may be another Beta/VHS battle looming...The article about the Sony glasses and Google Glass points out that the market has been uncertain with some backlash against the product. You can read more at Silicon Angle.  The price is high...$1,500 to about $2000.

WBUR is the first public radio station in the country to debut Google Glass app.
You can read more at Tech Flash.

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