Friday, December 19, 2014

Autism and Air Pollution

Study Link Air Pollution to Autism

Reuters reports a Harvard study is linking exposure to air pollution in the third trimester of pregnancy to Autism. The researchers are saying the risk doubles. The study began in 1989 and involved 116,000 nurses.

Marc Weisskopf, a study author says,‘‘One of the unique aspects of the study we did is that it provides an even stronger piece of evidence for there being a causal effects. It’s really the pollution doing it.’’

There's a Caveat 

Further down in the article Charis Eng, chairwoman of the Genomic Medicine Institute at the Cleveland Clinic says, "While the Harvard study isn’t definitive and the findings could be coincidental, it’s not likely given the large size and the precise result."

If there is a link...would this be impetus for change in how we view the importance of our environment?  Any change starts with us.

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