Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Radio Drives in Storms

Maybe it's me. Maybe it's the public radio audience. Whenever I fundraise during a storm, the response is very light.

In December we tried to raise money during an ice storm. This week we tried to raise money during a snowstorm. In both cases, response was light for Morning Edition. Morning Edition is usually a lucrative daypart, because the audience is at its peak.

What are the reasons?

I was a common denominators in both cases. Maybe it was me.

More likely (at least to me) the audience was elsewhere. We were on the air trying to raise funds around the measles outbreak, the fighting in Ukraine, and conversation about transportation woes in Connecticut. It could be a lifestyle or listener behavior issue. Listeners may have been:

  • Watching TV coverage
  • Figuring out what to do with their kids (schools were closed)
  • Concentrating on driving (roads were treacherous)
  • Clearing snow
  • Chatting with friends on social media
  • Sleeping in

It would be interesting to see what happens to the public radio audience on snow days. And, what happens to that audience as the day wears on. I've noticed response to pledge appeals increase later in the day. Morning drive seems to suffer the most.

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