Friday, February 6, 2015

Wisconsin Public Broadcasting Facing Cuts

Walker Proposes Big Cuts

Wisconsin Public Radio and Wisconsin Public Television could see as much as 34% of its state funding cut. The cuts are proposed in Republican Governor Scott Walker's Budget. The cuts could affect 8.5 positions out of a staff of 56. Walker spokesperson Laurel Patrick says, "We estimate that the ECB will be able to make up the difference in program revenue through grants, gifts and private donations as program revenue has come in ahead of estimates in recent budgets," Patrick said. "For instance, the ECB anticipated an increase of $1.8 million in additional program revenues during the next two fiscal years."

The Impact Will Be Felt

The cuts would go into effect next year. My experience is raising an extra $5million from listener and viewer sensitive income is not like flipping a switch. It will not happen immediately. If the cuts go through as proposed, some services will suffer and some jobs will be lost. Cuts seem likely. Both houses of the legislature in Wisconsin are controlled by the Republicans.

Gene Purcell, the Executive Director of the Educational Communications Board calls the cuts significant. WPR's and WPT also get support through the University. The Univeristy System in Wisconsin is also facing cuts in the Walker budget of about $300 million.

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