Sunday, March 1, 2015

Inflated Claims / A Heated Response (Updated)

I've noticed a huge difference to the outing of inflated claims by Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly.

Brian Williams apologized.

Bill O'Reilly attacked.

He called reporters names like gutter snipe and liar. He also threatened reporters. POLITICO reports O'Reilly threatened a New York Times Reporter. O'Reilly promised, "to come after the reporter with everything I have" if he felt that any of the reporter's coverage about his Falklands war controversy was inappropriate. It was an effort to intimidate. He told Times reporter Emily Steel,  "I am coming after you with everything I have. You can take it as a threat."

David Corn, the reporter from Mother Jones who first called O'Reilly's account of his experience in the Falklands war into question, was also threatened.  He said Corn deserves to be in the kill zone.

The hope is O'Reilly will become a man and own his mistakes. In that way he can dial back the violence and name calling. Since O'Reilly is into "Saving Christmas" (The War on Christmas), perhaps these words have meaning.

Matthew 5:22

"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
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For O'Reilly it is not about the moral high ground of Christianity or the truth about his reporting journalism career. It is about conflict and the ratings it brings. Rating for O'Reilly's show on Fox are at an all-time high. Fox and O'Reilly have what they're looking for. Integrity, ethics and journalistic standards take a back seat.

CNN reports: 
On Wednesday night, O'Reilly averaged 705,000 viewers ages 25 to 54 -- up more than 35% from his year-to-date average of 516,000.
In fact, according to Fox, Wednesday's "O'Reilly Factor" was the highest-rated edition since November 24, the night of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, when millions of people sought out cable news coverage.

A pattern is emerging of inflated claims by O'Reilly including  his claim he was on the porch of house in Florida where an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald killed himself. O'Reilly claims in "Killing Kennedy" that he heard the shot. Former colleagues are testifying that O'Reilly was in Dallas that day.

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