Wednesday, April 1, 2015

BBC Social Media Rules

Something Really Stands Out

The BBC has updated its social media rules for the News Division. Basically, it says don't do anything stupid.   (I think we could all learn from that.)

Latest update to social media guidance for BBC News Group staff.

New Stuff

  • The guidelines cover interaction with user generated material.
  • There are safety implications about sharing location data.
  • Cautions about sharing unconfirmed rumors.

Old Stuff

What really stands out for me is the section on impartiality.   It says, "Other fundamentals remain as before, including not saying anything that may compromise our impartiality, not sounding off about things "in an openly partisan way", and not revealing confidential BBC information." 

Isn't this the same standard that NPR was applying Juan Williams? Isn't this the standard that Williams ignored while offering his opinion on Fox News? 

Incidentally, Williams admitted in 2012 that he misses working at NPR. He is appreciative of the informed and influential audience that listens to NPR. Of course, there is not much of a chance he'll be back. He burned his bridges with his book calling NPR an "all-white organization" that exhibited the "worst of white condescension."

Juan Williams Says He Misses Working For NPR 'Big Time'

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