Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Making Election Coverage Real

Are real needs being lost in the election rhetoric?

Here's a list of what really matters to working Americans.

The South Central Federation of Labor in Wisconsin polled a wide variety of Wisconsinites including middle class, working class, small business owners, people with jobs and the unemployed. They wanted to measure the importance of the "Right to Work Bill" to Wisconsinites.

Right to Work did not make the cut. What Did?
  • Raising wages
  • Maintaining quality schools
  • Basic community improvements
  • Job training opportunities
  • More affordable education
  • Good housing
What would have more impact in news coverage? What would make for positive outcomes? What coverage would engage the community? The six points above would have a meaningful effect on the community. Or, do we let others set the agenda?

As journalists, we owe it to our audience to continue to bring these issues up. I live next door to one of the poorest cities in America. Deep poverty and joblessness bring with it all sorts of issues. The solution was presented as building a new stadium and commercial development funded through city taxes. The local public radio station and the local paper are going deeper.

With pending budget cuts and layoffs in Connecticut and Hartford, there will be plenty of stories. Many of the cuts are coming at the expense of the most vulnerable...those who would benefit most from the list above. Public radio's audience is filled with the people who have the resources and the inclination to do something about these issues.

Go deeper...Think audience!

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