Sunday, June 19, 2016

Podcasting: Who's Downloading

Nielsen recently offered some insight into who is downloading and listening to Podcasts.

  • 70% are between 18 and 44
  • 44% are college graduates
  • $83,700 average household income
  • 65% have some sort of investment
  • 75% have contributed to a cause in the past year.
  • Top activities include swimming, bicycling, and running
  • Nutrition, weight loss and appearance are important
The audience profile is very similar to the public radio profile with the exception of the age cohort. The research reinforces the audience data shared before...that is...Public Radio's draw for younger demographics is being drained by newer platforms. That does not mean giving up on one platform in favor of another. That means being on the platforms being used by the intended audience. It also means creating content that meets the expectations of the audience.

The report points out that if you create the podcast...they will come. But...Only if you can figure out how to make the content appealing to your audience. Nobody said this would be easy.

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