Sunday, November 19, 2017

HR Problem?

Sexual Harassment's Tough Lessons

I posted this several months ago when allegations about sexual harassment started to break. An article in The Atlantic suggests that public radio grew so fast that HR was unable to keep up with the extra demands. Given all that is still transpiring with #MeToo, public radio was (and is) woefully unprepared. WNYC is cited in the article for it's phenomenal growth, but at the same time not keeping up with the HR challenges that accompany that expansion. A article published by Nieman Lab wonders if WNYC can pull itself out of the toxic work environment that is dragging the organization down.

As soon as an issue arises...

Don't let it go. It won't get any better.
Don't approach it alone.
Have a plan in place ahead of time.
Make sure everybody is aware of and has signed off on policies.
Be consistent with policies.
Seek professional advice.
Use your EAP.
Strive for a safe and nurturing work environment.

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