Sunday, December 3, 2017

Public Broadcasting's Upward Trend

Data provided by the Pew Research Center shows modest yet steady growth among Public Radio's news oriented stations. Data shows increases from 2015 to 2016.

Take a look at these trends. How does the data from your station stack up against the benchmarks established by national trends?  (If you need help with that, let me know.)

  • Listenership if up 11% among the top 20 station.
  • NPR programming is up 14%.
  • PRI Programming is up 12.5%.
  • Public Radio's digital presence is on the rise.
  • PBS NewsHour grew 22%.
  • Revenue went up at the national level for NPR and PRI. APM saw a decrease. According to Pew, "At the national level NPR increased its total operating revenue in 2016 to $213 million, up 9% from 2015 levels. PRI saw gains as well, rising 26% to about $22 million in total revenue for 2016. APM’s total revenue, on the other hand, went down 6% year over year, accounting for $126 million in 2016."
  • Locally, earnings have been relatively flat.
  • News oriented station increased investment in their news gathering resourced about 5% from 2014 to 2015.
  • Viewership for commercial network news declined 1% to 24 million viewers.
  • Cable news networks increased 55% to 4.8 million viewers.
  • Newspaper subscriptions dropped 8% between 2015 and 2016. Subscriptions are up slightly since the election.

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