Saturday, December 23, 2017

Good King Wencelsas: Champion of the Poor

The Good King

Tom Manoff filed an interesting story on NPR about The Duke of Bohemia, King Wenceslas. The carol has been one of my favorites for a long time. (even more fun than the wassailing tune). Wenceslas was an early advocate of social justice and an early Christian. The last line of the carol sums up the King's Christian mission. "Ye who now will bless the poor / shall yourselves find blessing." 

Perhaps, a good reminder for the 1%, or at least the politicians who seem to be their champions.
Take a moment to listen to Manoff's report on NPR.

The Evil Bother

According to an article in Wikipedia he was the duke of Bohemia from 921 until his assassination in 935. His younger brother, Boleslaus the Cruel, was complicit in the murder. A group of nobles allied with Boleslaus plotted to kill him. The King was invited to a feast. At the feast three of the nobles attacked him. His brother is said to have Wenceslas through with a lance.

Is it a case of no good deed goes unpunished? Boleslaus and his allies acted to take control at a time of increasing tensions with the German Provinces. Boleslaus may have also been influenced by his pagan mother in a reaction to the growing influence of Christianity. Boleslaus later repented and became a Christian.

There's more about Wenceslas and traditional caroling  at"On Point."

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