Friday, October 18, 2019

Getting to the point

Encouraging Signs

About halfway through my local NPR station's fundraiser, they shifted message points. They started talking about local coverage. They've done this before, but this time the message was much more that lip service. The messages focused on the type of coverage and the quality of the coverage, and how that coverage gives the broader perspective of events globally. The message was more about the unique value proposition of what they offer rather than, "We have local news!" The message made the fundrive easier for me to listen to.

They still mention the premiums, but the point of the drive is so much more than sox and mugs and wreaths. For a long time, this station relied heavily on premiums, but you gotta ask yourself, is that really why people listen?'s the wrong path. It was chosen long ago by Public Television. Public TV is at a point, now, where they cannot raise funds around regular programming. Their fundrives are about pitching a product.

There's a lot at stake.

I was reading an article by Jim Wallis, "THE TRUTH QUESTION: HOW TO SEEK TRUTH WHEN THE PRESIDENT NORMALIZES LIES." Wallis points out that the president has lied over 13,000 times in 1,000 days. That's over 13 lies a day. His tactic is a common tactic.


The free press still exists, but it is under constant attack. Even here, where a free press is supposed to be guaranteed by The Constitution. There is no guarantee that it will be there for us without vigilance and active support. 

BTW- That's a call to action.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Misleading Ads on Facebook

It's okay, right?

Facebook allows misleading political advertising to be posted. 

Doesn't this make you in the least bit uneasy? 

"The language in Facebook's stated Advertising Policy has recently changed. While the guideline used to say that ads "must not contain deceptive, false, or misleading content," the rule now prohibits ads "that include claims debunked by third-party fact checkers" or, in some circumstances, by third-party organizations "with particular expertise" in the matter."

Facebook seems to be saying they will not allow false advertising if it was previously debunked. Does this mean new false and misleading material can be posted until it can be proved by fact checkers to be false? It seems so.

Take a look at these two stories. The first is from ars technica. Standards for paid advertising are different on Facebook. The second is from Politico. Elizabeth Warren's campaign deliberately posted false advertising to prove a point. “We intentionally made a Facebook ad with false claims and submitted it to Facebook’s ad platform to see if it’d be approved. It got approved quickly and the ad is now running on Facebook,” she wrote. “They’ve decided to let political figures lie to you—even about Facebook itself—while their executives and their investors get even richer off the ads containing these lies.”

By the time Facebook gets around to pulling a post, they've already left the barn door open. 

Political ads can lie if they want

Warren escalates war with Zuckerberg



Thursday, October 3, 2019

Journalism's Risks

Controlling the Message

It Surely Won't Stand the Light of Day (CSN)

The tendency of this administration is to want to shoot the messenger. Trump continually threatens violence against journalists, calling them enemies of the state for doing their jobs. There is an imbedded defiance in what we do.

"You cannot kill the truth. You cannot kill justice. You cannot kill what we are fighting for."
- Jean Dominique

Does this seem defiant? I hope so. It is defiance in the face of the darkness that guides those who abuse their power.
Jean LĂ©opold Dominique was a Haitian journalist and pro-democracy activist. His station, Radio Haiti-Inter, was the first to broadcast news, investigative reporting, and political analysis in Haitian Creole, the language spoken by all Haitian people.

He was assassinated. In 2014, A judge concluded the investigation into one of Haiti’s most notorious political assassinations on Friday, accusing nine people - including several close associates of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide - of having a hand in the killing of radio journalist Jean Dominique.

Jean Dominique was silenced for his reporting and his pro-democracy stance. According to the New Republic 34 journalists were killed in retaliation for their work in 2018, nearly doubling last year's number. (2017)

If we scratch beneath the surface of social media, we'll find that The Truth Is Getting Fierce (Murray Head). Reporting on the truth will have its risks. Are the people in our newsrooms up to the task? What about management? What about the board. It is not a question that should be dismissed lightly.