Thursday, April 30, 2020

COVID-19 and Public Radio

COVID-19 means we must rethink your marketing strategy in radio. (Public radio too)

-Live and local needs to be more than a slogan. It’s the lifeblood of the industry. Radio needs to recapture its hometown zeitgeist – not just during the pandemic but 24/7/365. And it starts with developing, embracing, and empowering its talent.

-Radio sounds better with fewer commercials. Let’s keep it that way. For public radio this means less clutter.

-Stop selling just the terrestrial audience. The audience is spending less time in the car. Think apps, smart speakers and laptops.

-Digital shouldn't be devalued. Think total reach.

For more on this, click the link below to read a blog from Jacobs Media on rethinking your marketing strategy. Think of COVID-19 as an opportunity

#publicradio #publicmedia #localradio

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

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