Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Memes and the rage machine

COVID-19 Memes

There's a Meme circulating that blames the media for over-hyping the coronavirus. It goes something like this, "170,00 people have recovered from COVID-19. Why don't we ever hear about that?" 

The media does talk about the recovery rate. The problem might be the way we use social media. Whatever we click on creates a profile of what may interest us, and the algorithms keep sending us more of the same.

The actual number of recoveries may be much higher than quoted in the meme you shared. The number of cases may also be higher. This is because there are not enough test kits, or cases that go unreported. Tracking of cases after diagnosis is erratic too.

Many will be infected. Most will recover. The projected death toll is staggering.

One thing I do know, memes are used to feed the rage machine. I've shared them too. Maybe we all need to do a little more homework. It took me a quick search to find some numbers and an explanation from a real news source.

Blame Social Media. It is a weakness in our system. We can work around that weakness.

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