Sunday, June 7, 2020

#Ending #Racism: What's Next?

Protests as Catalyst

We've been here before

What can we do after the protests subside? The need will be the same. How can somebody like me help?

Link up with this article by NPR's Alison Aubrey, "Beyond Protests: 5 More Ways To Channel Anger Into Action To Fight Racism."  If you really want to help, understand that you're not going to reinvent the wheel, and don't go into this with the attitude that your going to lead this effort. There are a lot of orgranizations already deeply involved in this effort. You'll be there to lend a hand. Besides, thinking you'll be in control, is insulting to the people who are already involved in this effort daily. They have a wealth of experience. Listen to what they have to say.

Here are the five things we can do:

1. Listen To People Closest To You, And To People Of Other Races

2. Use Your Voice In Your Community And Work Place

3. Give Your Time

4. Speak Up By Using Your Creative Talents

5. Self-Care Is Important

Photo by Max Bender

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